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African-American Patient Guide
Educational Module

What are the signs/symptoms of pancreatic cancer?

(3 of 12 sections)
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There are many vague signs and symptoms that are linked to pancreatic cancer. If you have the symptoms listed below, it does NOT necessarily mean that you have pancreatic cancer.


  • Decreased appetite
  • Upset stomach (“indigestion”)
  • Changes in your poop: noticing that your poop is more oily, smelly, or lighter in color than usual
  • Pain: having lots of pain in the middle of your stomach (this pain might also move to your back)
  • Fatigue: feeling more tired than usual for a long time
  • Weight loss: losing weight quickly without trying



If the cancer tumor is blocking the tube from the gall bladder, your skin and eyes can turn a yellowish color and itch. Also, your urine may be darker color and your poop may become a much lighter color. This is known as jaundice.

Written by: Jasmine Mitchell, University of California Santa Barbara

Edited by: Dale O’Brien, MD, Cancer Patients Alliance

Formatting and content by: Raewyn O’Haire, AB, Cancer Patients Alliance

Consultant: Neil Atam, University of California Santa Barbara

Top Reference

Pancreatic resection: a key component to reducing racial disparities in pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Click Here

Click Here for the ACS Journal article